HomeMONEY EQ - Reinvent your Relationship with Money ( 2 Hr Workshop Recording)
MONEY EQ - Reinvent your Relationship with Money ( 2 Hr Workshop Recording)
MONEY EQ - Reinvent your Relationship with Money ( 2 Hr Workshop Recording)

MONEY EQ - Reinvent your Relationship with Money ( 2 Hr Workshop Recording)

Product Description

When you think of money, are you filled with feelings of joy, happiness and purpose or do you get hijacked into states of fear, stress, irritation or even anger?

Would you like to have more peace and a greater sense of connection with your money? 

Your Money Emotional Quotient ( or Money EQ), is your capacity to be aware of, be in control of, and manage your emotions around money with good judgement, common sense and equanimity. 

Being able to manage your emotional state around money is directly correlated to your success and fulfilment around money.

In this workshop, you will learn how you can heal some of your money wounds from the past and develop a healthier approach to money so that you can deal with money (be it inflow or outflow) in a way that nurtures and fulfills you. 

Takeaways from this 2 hour workshop:

1) Learn about why fear or anxiety are dysfunctional emotional states to be in when you are making important decisions and choices related to money.

2) Learn simple tools and reframes that you can use when dealing with money to change your emotional state.

3) Learn how your emotions ( and mindsets that drive these emotions) towards money is largely impacted by your childhood experiences and what you witnessed around you at that time in relation to money.

4) Identify some of your core beliefs related to money and learn how you can break these deep-seated patterns so that going forward you can cultivate a better relationship with money - one that actually works for you rather than against you.

5) Experience a powerful guided visualization and energy activation exercise to start cultivating a new and healthy relationship with money -one where you relate in a symbiotic way with money - seeing it both as the fruit of your creations as well as a resource that can help YOU create more in your life. 

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